Richmond Hill Music and Performing Arts Festival
Welcome to Richmond Hill Music and Performing Arts Festival. The festival is organized by Canadian Music and Performing Arts Association, an independent not - for -profit organization, offering professional music and performing arts competitions, world class recitals, master classes, lectures and various music and performing arts activities in Toronto and GTA. We bring world esteemed musicians to Canada every year and are honored to invite Cornelia Herrmann (Austria), Winner of 1996 International Bach Competition in Leipzig and gained a special award at the International Mozart Competition in Salzburg, as the International Artistic Director of 2025 Richmond Hill Music and Performing Arts Festival. Toronto's famous musician Dr. Michael Berkovsky (Taylor Academy
Faculty and Glenn Gould School, RCM) will be the Chairman of our 2025 Festival.
Competition Date
Competition will be held on Saturday or statutory holiday only.
Registration Deadline
April 1
Trophy for Every 1st Place
Competition and Award Ceremony Venue
Richmond Hill

Message from International Artistic Director Cornelia Herrmann (Austria)
I am very honored to be the International Artistic Director of 2025 Richmond Hill Music and Performing Arts Festival. I hope this competition will bring great opportunity for the participants to show their talents, works and love for music. Wish you all the success in the competition!